Friday, April 4, 2008



Why does the Father God require purity to get into heaven? “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God” (Matthew 5:8). Purity is not a concept but a tangible reality like light and heat. The absence of light is darkness. The absence of heat is cold. The absence of purity is contamination.

Every human heart is contaminated by sin and a world that glorifies in debauchery. Only the blood of Jesus applied to our hearts by faith can make them pure and keep them pure if we continue in faith! (Romans 11:22).

The words of Jesus are spirit and they are life and they are pure and holy. “Without holiness no one will see the Lord.” (Hebrews 12:14) Purity and Holiness are separate sides of the same coin. They both enable us to see GOD!

What or who do you look to in times of need? Who or what do you thank in times of plenty? Who or what do you consult in making important decisions? That person or thing is the Lord of your life. Selah…

Here's the link to Regent Comm school chapel on December 3rd, 2007.