Friday, October 5, 2007


Dearly beloved,

Frederick Buechner writes in his provocative book Telling The Truth The Gospel As Tragedy, Comedy and Fairy Tale, "Drawing on nothing fancier that the poetry of his own life, let him use words and images that help make the surface of our lives transparent to the truth that lies deep within." This is the theme that speaks supreme to authenticity. The operative word is transparency that carries with it the vulnerability for all eyes to see.

To be transparent: I have been stressed out with the juggling of grad school, projects, ministry and other things. I am learning more than ever that the Lord is my refuge and the necessity to go to Him in faith for times of refreshing.

The Sermon on the Mount is just in its infancy taking baby steps right now. In the video entry of "Are you a calvinist?" I made a mistake by saying that the great command was to make disciples of all nations. That is officially the great commission. The great command is found in Matthew 22:36-38, "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment."

Can the great commission to make disciples of the Messiah Jesus be fulfilled without first living out the the great command to Love the Lord with all your heart...? No, way. To attempt the great commission without the love of God is a dead work, an empty attempt at propagating a religion or tradition. But if we genuinely come to that place of loving God first then His love will overflow effortlessly from our lives like healing water and the great commission will be as supernaturally natural as breathing; an easy yoke and a light burden!

As believers may we grow increasingly transparent in who are and hope to be. Inviting your sincere corrections and requesting your fervent prayers.

your brother in Christ,

Eric Ryan Olson